Nike Innovation Manager Tobie Hatfield to introduce the Nike Sports
Research Lab in 2001 started barefoot running, their study found a very
low incidence of some leg common sports injuries in barefoot population,
because barefoot foot and ground contact can promote muscle flexing to
spread pressure, wear shoes, feet will lose this positive sensory
reaction. Even no longer in contact with the natural world, some of the
features of the foot also will be weakened, disappear. Based on this
innovative way of thinking, in 2004, the Nike first launched NIKE FREE shoes
– this can strengthen the foot and leg function, but also to provide
basic protection and grip lightweight sports shoes, the real the concept
of barefoot training become a reality. All these innovations have
benefited from the improvement of the shoe last. The traditional shoe
last design not only shackled human feet shackled innovative thinking of
our brain. Finally, NIKE FREE shoe last completely break the routine,
the outline of the shape with close to barefoot, feet pressure
distribution becomes uniform, extremely similar to the movement patterns
when barefoot. Air jordan Shoes
are a popular sneakers. This time, air jordan and nike running shoes
obtain a success and sold well. These are definitely a collector’s item.