
Spring fitness

The beginning of training in terms of the science of training is simple, the basic compound training, such as the barbell bench press, barbell squats, barbell deadlift, and so on. Although these simple movements are very tedious, but the result was beyond doubt.
Persistent and progressive are the two important principles for the development of training plans. Do not adhere to the training, the muscle can not be sustained, regular stimulation, resulting in slow growth; not to increase the training intensity, muscle given stimuli adaptability, growth will slow. An effective plan to ensure continuity of training, but also to ensure a gradual increase in training intensity.
Free 7.0 V2 mens running shoes, shoes red in color, with black Swoosh logo, professional and dynamic. Nike Free series Nike running shoes in the heavyweight product, the "barefoot training" for the design concept, Free Technology to simulate human movement under footin the barefoot state of the state as a concept, running to restore the original feel. Nike Free running shoes emphasis on cushioning and support, suitable for long run.
The frequency refers to one week to practice a few times. Frequency setting depends on the ability to recover after your training, the ability to recover depends on their own physical fitness, sleep quality and nutrition of three factors. In general, the primary trainer one week of work and family, two cycles of weight exercises are more appropriate. For students, the three one week cycle. Specific arrangements depending on time of each cycle and physical condition may be the best one cycle training two days a day training the upper body a day to practice the leg. 

